IT’S OUR TIME (stewarding the move of God) 

Time is probably one of humanity’s most valuable assets. It’s so valuable that once you use it, it can never be reclaimed or reused. Each person has their allotted amount of time, but the problem is we don’t know the amount of time we are given....

I’m Coming Out

Coming out from under the enemy’s dominion. Sunday Morning Service on November 6th 2022 at Faith Family Church in Billings, MT....


There is an English idiom that describes what happens when someone either inadvertently or purposefully through words or actions, expose what’s in their heart. When they do so, they are said to be showing their true colors. This simply means to reveal what you...


There are certain things that are necessary and essential for a believer to possess if they are to live a fruitful, productive life. Our greatest need of course is Christ. But, after our conversion, we should start to grow and mature spiritually as believers. The...


Michaelangelo was once asked what he was doing while he chipped away at a shapeless rock. His reply was “I am liberating an angel from this stone”. If we think about it long enough, we will come to understand that Father God is doing the exact same thing...

The Greatest of These

A few weeks back in my morning prayer time, Holy Spirit spoke to me about living more out of a “Kingdom Mindset.” What he was saying to me was that my way of thinking, my way of living, and even how relate to other people had to become more in line with...