In Acts 1:4 Jesus Jesus told those that were there with him “Don’t leave Jerusalem but wait here until you receive the gift I told you about, the gift the father has promised”(the Passion Translation) .
Jesus had been with his disciples and followers for 40 days sharing with them, teaching them and preparing them to carry on what he had started. He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they received the gift of the outpouring or as we say, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The word “wait’ means to remain, dwell or tarry with anticipation or expectation. It’s important to remember they had no idea when it would come, or what it would look like, they just knew they were commanded to stay there until the promise or gift came. They were to expect or anticipate the arrival of the gift.
Their time of waiting was not pull the promise in to reality, but to prepare themselves for the outpouring. The promise had been made, the responsibility of these believers was to prepare to receive it. It’s no coincidence that the time they waited was 10 days. The resurrection took place during Passover, Jesus ascension was 40 days later, the outpouring came during the feast of Pentecost which came 50 days after Passover. The first 10 days of The feast of Tabernacles is called “The Days Of Awe” these days were to be spent in spiritual preparation for the Day Of Atonement. They were to be spent looking at the heart, preparing it to receive the blessing of atonement or forgiveness that was given at that time. As the disciples and the others waited, the 10 days were not spent praying down the blessing, but preparing to receive it.
So what am I getting at? We are in the beginning stage of the last great move of God’s power and presence before the return of Jesus. We see the most blatant display of evil that we, in our lifetime , have ever seen. Hell is being unleashed like never before in an unprecedented way. The answer to this is an outpouring of God’s Spirit that is even more unprecedented. While we already have been given the promise that this will happen (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17), our job is to wait, to dwell in a state of anticipation and expectancy until we receive the full manifestation of what Father has promised. I want to emphasize the word “full”. I have witnessed some of the great things that are happening. I have seen the salvations, the signs and wonders that are beginning to take place,but this is not the full manifestation of what will take place. We are to prepare ourselves spiritually for what is coming. We are to continuously check our hearts and our sprits, to make sure that we, as individuals, as the remnant, are ready to not just receive, but to give out, to be a channel for the manifestation of God’s Spirit to be poured out among us. We must put away anything in us that will impede the mighty rushing wind of God’s presence and power that is beginning to be poured out even now. Our flesh must be dealt with, any spirit at work in us that opposes the outpouring, any attitude that is not in line must be dealt with during this time of preparation. WE MUST BE READY!!!
So this is where I am right now. I am searching, probing, examining my heart to make sure I am ready to receive and to give out what God is going to do for me and in me. This is the time that will decide whether or not I am a spectator or a participant, whether I receive or just watch others receive. I don’t know about you, but I have waited too long, sought to long, dreamed and imagined too long to let this moment pass me by. I will anticipate, I will expect and above all, I will prepare for the great outpouring that is going to take place in me, in my family, in my church, my city, my State and in my nation. I see it in my spirit, I receive it, by faith, in my spirit and, with father’s help, I will be prepared to receive it. How about you?