The old Landmarks

by | Mar 5, 2021 | Uncategorized

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In Prov. 22 and 23, the wisest man that ever lived said this “Do not remove the old landmarks.” Some translations use the word boundaries, but the truth is the same.
Landmarks or boundaries serve two purposes. They are points of remembrance as well as reference points to determine where an area such as a state or country begins and ends. I’m considered a citizen of Montana not because I say so, but because I live within the boundaries set up by the state of Montana.

One of the reasons the Church is in the state it is in has to do with the fact that we began to move, blur and question the boundaries that God’s word has established. The boundaries have been moved by us so many times that it’s hard to determine what we really believe.

We, as believers or disciples of Christ, have had boundaries established that we must not remove or we lose our identities as citizens of the kingdom of God. I’m not talking about boundaries set up by mans ideals and traditions, but boundaries set up by the word of God. You and I can argue, debate and even justify moving or even eliminating those boundaries, but in the end, those boundaries have been set by the King of Heaven and are set in stone. Ps.119:89 says that God’s word is forever settled in heaven. We may attempt to move them or eliminate them but they cannot and will not change. We all, at one time or another, have tried to alter or blur the boundaries God has set, but in God’s kingdom that is not tolerated. Our responsibility as a disciple is not to blur the boundaries, or make them appear vague just to have them align with my lifestyle, ideals and personal beliefs. Our responsibility is to make them plain to see, easy to recognize, simple to understand. Our goal must be to promote, declare and yes, even defend the boundaries, words and ideals that set us apart as disciples and followers of Christ. I’m not a believer just because I say so, I’m a citizen of Heaven because I live within the boundaries of Kingdom of God.

I’ll close with this. God, through the words of Solomon, did not suggest or recommend this, he commanded it. We are living in a time where everything that sets us apart as followers of Christ is being assaulted and attacked. The spirit of this age demands that we change to meet their standards. They demand that we change our stance on issues such as abortion, gender, marriage, holiness and righteousness to meet their standards but, understand this, God will not move his boundaries to accommodate our beliefs or lifestyle. We either live within his boundaries and receive citizenship, or live outside the boundaries and be considered foreigners and strangers. Like always the choice is ours to make. If I don’t like where I live, I can choose to change my residence. But, in doing so, I relinquish the right to be called a citizen of that place.
I choose to live within the boundaries of God’s word and God’s government. I will not give up my citizenship, nor will I try to move the boundaries he has established. God’s approval is more important to me than man’s.
I will honor the old landmarks.

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