He Believed God

Gen. 15-18 tells the story of God’s promise to Abraham to bless him, give him a son and make a great nation of him. You know the story, so I’ll move on to a few thoughts about believing God. Chap. 15, verse 6 gives a short but powerful statement about Abraham it says...

I Hear The Sound

I Kings 19 tells the story of a nation in a season of drought. It was a twofold drought, both physical and even more distressing it was a time of spiritual drought. The man of God stands and makes this declaration “I hear the sound of abundant rain.”...

The old Landmarks

In Prov. 22 and 23, the wisest man that ever lived said this “Do not remove the old landmarks.” Some translations use the word boundaries, but the truth is the same. Landmarks or boundaries serve two purposes. They are points of remembrance as well as reference points...

Extravagant Worship

Mark 14 tells one of my favorite moments in Jesus’ ministry. It always brings me to a place of self examination, a place where I’m forced to look at me, a place where I must evaluate myself and the depth of my love for Jesus. The word extravagant is defined as...

Why a blog?

That’s what my response was when Holy Spirit began to talk to me about this. Everyone, it seems, has a blog, why do I need to do one? I don’t have a real good answer for that except to say that Holy Spirit said this was what Father wanted so here we are. I can’t tell...