
Faith Background
We are a ministry based out of Billings Mt. Mark has served the body of Christ for 40 years as senior and associate Pastor, revivalist, and worship leader. He has a music ministry that features songs he has written and recorded.
He is a native of Washington state but has lived in Billings for the last 25 years. He and his wife, Kathy, attend Faith Family Church in Billings where he serves on the worship team and ministers when requested. He has 1 son, 1 daughter, 2 stepdaughters, 5 beautiful granddaughters, and 3 grandsons that are a vital part of his life.
Core Messages
Back to Foundations
Pentecost is the standard for church life. when we deviate from the standard, we rob believers of walking in their supernatural Holy Spirit inheritance.
Identity in Christ
What we Believe
We believe that Jesus is the only Son of God, that he is both Divine and human. We believe he came as the spotless, sinless Son of God to redeem and reclaim humanity from the curse of sin. We believe that he died, was resurrected and sits at the Father’s right hand making intercession for us.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. We believe it is the written record of his design and desire for mankind.
We believe that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus and his finished work of salvation.
baptism in the holy spirit
We believe that Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a supernatural endowment of power available to all believers that have experienced the redemptive work of Salvation.
signs and wonders
We believe that supernatural signs and wonders included in 1 Corinthians 12 are still active, working and available to mankind today.
return of christ
We believe in the imminent return of Christ for his bride. We believe in the rapture of those that have put their trust in Christ. We believe that Jesus had prepared an eternal habitation for his people to live with him forever.